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The Calm Mind in the Sea of Torment

Finding the right answer when world is yelling

John Mashni
4 min readMar 27, 2023


Most people never get to experience one of the most magical moments of life. It’s rarely seen, because it occurs when everyone is focused on the disarray that surrounds us — we are looking somewhere else when it hits. And it seems magical because it’s so different from every other attitude in a moment. There doesn’t seem to be an explanation. How could someone act so differently? How could someone not react like everyone else?

It’s rare. But it does happen.

It’s the calm mind in a sea of torment.

If You Can Keep Your Head

Rudyard Kipling started his great poem If referencing it:

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you

I remember watching someone exhibit this calm state of mind during a sporting event years ago. It was an NBA game and the Indiana Pacers were playing the Chicago Bulls. The Pacers’ Reggie Miller just hit a shot that put the Pacers ahead in the game’s final seconds. The crowd erupted in cheers. Seemingly, everyone in the arena was cheering and celebrating.



John Mashni

I only write about what I have done: no theory. Writer, Attorney, Entrepreneur, Movie Producer, and more… the ONLY 3 ways to reinvent: