Hi Erica. One thing I hate about not picking one is that I miss an opportunity to learn. If I am around someone who I want to learn from, and I don’t pick one, then I miss the opportunity to grow from the conversation. I have also experienced that I miss something else — the opportunity to grow the relationship as well. People, in general, like to spend time with people who are good listeners. It is refreshing. I have also noticed that people do not like to spend time with people who talk too much or do not respect time.
Another thought: serving others is one of the best opportunities you can find as well. If I can serve, but I don’t because I am not focused on it, then I feel like I am missing out as well.
“Die” to me represents losing out on those opportunities. It means being unfocused and oblivious to the people around me. It also represents, to me, that I am wasting time. Time is so precious… we only have so much.
One of my favorite quotes: right now counts forever.
Stay in touch.